Tuesday, July 8, 2008


What happened to Andrew W.K.? I looked him up yesterday and I came across this (above) strangeness in his pictures section. Then I read about him on wikipedia and for some reason this time around it creeped me out a little. I hate to say that because I always thought the only thing that is weird about this guy is that he is so effing positive. I kind of liked that. I think what it boils down to is that his incredibly intense positivity brought him right up to the line of being a lunatic but until he put on some makeup, he never crossed it. (Also, he always has looked like a crazy person...and he kind of has a Joker smile.) Now I don't know. I was almost scared a little. Then I read that he produced the new Lee 'Scratch' Perry album and I fell back in love. Here is the good old AWK just to make me feel better again.

1 comment:

  1. He sings backup on a song on MC Chris's new album. It's bitchin, as you can imagine.
