Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Two Things We Like Come Together
TMT used to enjoy a new Wolphin (McSweeney's 'DVD magazine" not a whale/dolphin hybrid) every couple of months, but being lazy and cheap, we never renewed. Instead I'll occasionally check out their YouTube channel where I'll run across previews like this one for the new issue. It features another TMT favorite, James Franco and is the kind of thing that makes wish we still got Wolphin. But not enough for me to actually resubscribe.
James Franco,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Adam Yauch has cancer
Update: Here's some new music featuring Nas.
adam yauch,
beastie boys,
hot sauce committee,
new music
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Unstoppable Pancake
The Unstoppable Pancake from TooMuchTeeth on Vimeo.
Make sure your sound is on.
Sam Pancake,
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Beastie Boys wrap new album, Jimmy Fallon tonight

Here's the note they sent me personally (we're friends):
we, the band, known professionally as the Beastie Boys, will be making a professional appearance on the television show that is called Jimmy Fallon (is that what it's called?). so if you (the viewer) turn on your TV (short for television) you can see us (beastie boys) on his (jimmy fallon's) show. is that clear? check listing for air time in your area. monday night (this monday night) like today monday night.UPDATE: View it here.
i hope we don't screw this up.
Dr. Bombay
ps. our new record that is coming out that we finished the other day is called HOT SAUCE COMMITTEE, and we are going to offer insights into how it was crafted, when we talk on the aforementioned show. that's that.
beastie boys,
jimmy fallon,
Friday, May 22, 2009
50 cars or 1 bus
Just thought I'd share this ad campaign I ran across on Inhabitat. I think the reason why I'm drawn to it isn't the message, I just really like the way the 'bus' looks. It reads really well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I just stumbled on this site and there is a lot of awesome on it. If you're looking to kill some time with cool space drawings or monsters or stuff, this is the place for it. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Punisher: Gotta make money somehow

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Seed - Johnny Kelly
Just saw this and dug how neatly he combined the digital illustration / animation with paper folding and stop motion. Really fun. Great aesthetic. I had to share. You can see more videos by Johnny Kelly at his Vimeo page or at the portfolio site he shares with his brother Mickey.
stop motion,
What Do the Dogs Know?
Just now, what seemed like 10 dogs all loudly voiced their concerns in unison. Some barked, some whined, and some hound dog howled.
Maybe they're just singing, but maybe not. It's like how horses know an earthquake is coming. If, in a few moments, Montana earth opens up and sucks me in, those dogs called it.
Also interesting: My pup just slept through it. Keep an eye out for this possible future post: "Sammy P, the Ultimate Saboteur."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Readability - like drinkability but not for complete idiots

I've been meaning to post about this for a while. As a designer sometimes I'll find myself so frustrated by the messy ad covered layout of a website that I won't read an article. I found a fairly simply solution to this problem, Readability. Readability takes the body of the article you want to read and presents it to you in a simple format without all the b.s. around it. All you have to do is click your Readability bookmark when you find yourself on one of those sloppy pages.
Here's an example, you can turn this:
Into this:

I may have been lazy in using the NYTimes as my example, being that they are cleaner than a lot of other news websites but you should get the idea. You can customize the look of the cleaned up version (font and size, margin width, etc.) before you create your bookmark and boom you are ready to roll. Check it out here.
What happened to TMT?
Yes, we know, it's been a while since we posted regularly. We've had a lot going on (work, puppy, visiting family) but we're making a vow to come back better than ever. Stay tuned and be ready for ROCK!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Please Ignore My Articulate Phrasing (Fishdicks)

The only thing better than Kanye's blog posts are the comments on Kanye's blog posts. Though Ye writes pretty clearly, his fan response is consistently hobonkers. Case in point: Re South Park's spanking...

My favorite nugget: "Confidence and how the media portrays you to be."
Playing with a puppy makes me say the strangest things

Sam Pancake,
Monday, April 6, 2009
My husband thinks I'm a monster
This morning, when I took our new puppy, Sam Pancake, out for a scamper, he ran under my Ugg and I kicked him. He winced and I felt horrible, but he was back hopping again in no time.
When I told AP that I'd kicked our puppy, he asked, "Purposefully?"
He wasn't being sarcastic.
What's that about? Do you guys think I would maliciously kick
this breakfast bite?


I'd like to talk about TLC's "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant," which began as a documentary, but has, from what I gather, turned into an entire series about women who found out they were pregnant when they were giving birth.
I Didn't Know that there were so many of these cases. But the program goes to show that a diverse group of women (professionals, rockers, sluts) fall victim to

Last night, one story, reenacted:
After months of stomach distress which she chalked up to some kind of horrible gas, a woman was sitting on the toilet. Her husband, who was in the bathroom with her (!) as she pushed out what she thought was a massive BM, knew something wasn't right.
"Baby, are you all right?"
"I have to push."
Needless to say, it was not a poop.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tesla Rolls Out 'WhiteStar' aka Model S aka My New Crush

The second car, code-named WhiteStar, was finally unveiled yesterday as Tesla's Model S. I have to say it's quite attractive and now is in a price range that many more people can afford. That's not to say everyone can afford it, it's just far more affordable than the Roadster.
Some Specs from Tesla:
Okay, now that I've listed the specs, I'm kind of over the initial pure sex appeal, but still smitten. I'm definitely interested to see how well this car does. Frankly, everyone (including John McCain) is shitting their pants over the Chevy Volt and the WhiteStar seems a far nicer (and moderately more expensive) electric plug-in with a big brother who has done the hard work of proving the technology. We'll see if the two vehicles end up competitive.
Quote of the Day
"Duke is prone to double penetration."
—Doug Gottlieb, SportsCenter
It's a sexy world, readers. We're just reporting it.
I keep abreast of sales on top designer fashions via email promotions like "Shop it To Me." I'm a Marc Jacobs fan, and I'm usually thrilled to scan his discounted items, which I still cannot afford. A girl can dream can't she? Well today, I got an email blast. I give you...
The Wavelength Print Jacket:

It is only $243.60 (originally $348.00) and from what I can tell, it is the ugliest garment I have ever seen. A zebra striped, tuxedo jacket, 80's cut and sized.
Editor's note: "Email blast" is a decidedly filthy term. As in "I'm gonna email blast all over your inbox."
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The GOOD (Dirty) Versions of your favorite scenes.
Yes, we missed World Water Day (it was the 22nd) but we're sharing now anyway. There's more to see at GOOD.
Get a Load of Me!

Though I expect my reign to be short lived, I am ruling my bracket like Henry viii. I've made bitches out of my competitors and, with each win, I further dissolve the Catholic church. I'm a heretical sports fan. Kiss my ring.
[Conversely, note our loyal reader, The Dootz, couldn't be doing worse.]
Monday, March 23, 2009
How can I not share Scanwiches

Not much description neccessary. Sandwiches cut and scanned. This one from Cafe Habana, an old fav (the restaurant, not the sandwich, it's all meaty and you know we aren't down with that). Scanwiches.
The shivers at the end of a really long and satisfying pee
Do women get this too or is it just a guy thing?
poor taste?,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Javert and Valjean
Right now, our loyal reader, The Dootz, is waiting behind a velvet rope to see "I Love You Man" on opening night in Manhattan. And though I do admit that I made fun of her for being first in line (a good hour early for this movie), I admit the error of my ways. May I present Paul Rudd and Jason Segel singing "The Confrontation" from Les Miserables.

I lost a good hour this morning in a special on NYTimes.com called, "One in 8 Million; New York Characters in Sounds and Images."
Mini profiles that utilize recordings from each subject, and b&w photographs of their metropolitan lives, this N.Y./Region feature is stunning. The first one I found was "Marc Tremitiere: The Baby Deliverer" and it blew my socks off.
But spend some time with them all. I know I will.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Stewart and Takei on Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest is a Star Trek takeoff. It's about a sci-fi television series that, despite a die hard fan base, was eventually canceled, leaving the stars to drink, bitterly costumed, at conventions for the next 2o years. But then, when they'd just about given up hope of successful acting careers, real aliens arrive, whisk the six has-beens to what they think is an acting gig, only its not. It's real space bananas!
More Synopsis
The aliens had intercepted old episodes of the show, mistook them for "historical documents" and fashioned their ship and social order on the absurdity they'd seen. Now, under very real threat of the villainous Sarris, they need "Commander Peter Quincy Taggart" and crew to save the day.
"With no script, no director, and no clue about real interstellar travel, the make-believe crew of the Protector has to turn in the performances of their lives to become the heroes the aliens believe them to be." (from Rotten Tomatoes, which gave GQ a 90% btw!)
Well i just love it. And when I came across responses from two Star Trek alums,"With no script, no director, and no clue about real interstellar travel, the make-believe crew of the Protector has to turn in the performances of their lives to become the heroes the aliens believe them to be." (from Rotten Tomatoes, which gave GQ a 90% btw!)
Patrick Steward and George Takei, I about flipped my nerd lid.
See, the two things that I really enjoy in GQ are
1) the cast (Allen, Rickman, Weaver, Shaloub, Mitchell, Rockwell...all actors I would put in my hypothetical movie)
2) the way the movie mocks Trek's absurd logic.
So Kirk, did it bite?
"...I found it was brilliant. Brilliant. No one laughed louder or longer in the cinema than I did, but the idea that the ship was saved and all of our heroes in that movie were saved simply by the fact that there were fans who did understand the scientific principles on which the ship worked was absolutely wonderful." —Patrick Stewart [link]Cap't Sulu?
I think it's a chillingly realistic documentary [laughs]. The details in it, I recognized every one of them...And I do believe that when we get kidnapped by aliens, it's going to be the genuine, true Star Trek fans who will save the day....I was rolling in the aisles. And Tim Allen had that Shatner-esque swagger down pat. And I roared when the shirt came off, and Sigourney [Weaver] rolls her eyes and says, 'There goes that shirt again.' ... How often did we hear that on the set? [Laughs.] —G.T. [link]Oh, George Takei, you saucy minx. You make me [laugh].
Monday, March 16, 2009
TMT March Madness

Some details posted in the comments.
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BASE PRICE $49,900 (that includes a $7500 tax credit)
• Seating for 7 people
• Unique hatch for oversized items
• 60/40 flat-folding rear seat
• 2nd trunk under hood
• 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds
• PURE electric
• 2X as efficient as hybrids
• Proven powertrain from leading EV manufacturer
• 17 inch infotainment touchscreen
• Up to 300 mile range
• 45 minute QuickCharge
• Charges from 120V, 240V or 480V
• 5 minute battery swap