Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
TMT is still here!
We're still here, just been busy. We'll be back though. Hopefully there are a lot of holiday posts on their way.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Almost Miracle Prediction

Arizona (7-4) will crush Philly (5-5-1).
And most importantly the 2- 9 Seahawks will disgrace the 7-4 Cowboys.
Update: So far the Lions have fumbled the kick-off return and the Titans have scored a touchdown. About 30 seconds have gone by.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Nice to Meet You, Foodstuff

One day until the Big Turk. TMT will be spending it alone in our Montana apartment and AP has made his demands known: "I want an obscene amount of dishes." I'm OK with that. If my husband is more concerned with quantity than the quality, there's little pressure to get things perfect like there would be if I were sharing courses with Inlaws.
My favorite thing about a low key Thanksgiving is that I get to try out new recipes. Since I know ahead of time that much of the day will place me over the stove, I embrace the labor. I search for recipes that use unfamiliar ingredients. Get a load of this bizarre trio!
I'd like to introduce to you to...
the sisters Shallot, her ladylegs Wild Rice,
and mr. Delicata Squash
the sisters Shallot, her ladylegs Wild Rice,
and mr. Delicata Squash
Ok, so you've probably used shallots before, but I haven't. In fact, when I was searching the produce aisle for one, I was looking for something that resembled a green onion or scallion. Way off. I am excited to see what these garlic-onion girls will bring to the table. I expect stink breath.
Just look at that bag of Wild Rice being all wrong and renegade black. But how will she taste? Uncaged.
There are so many kinds of squash. Can you catch them all? TMT is trying. Delicata is supposedly one of the tastiest, comparable to a sweet potato. But maybe he's better. What if he is a classy showstopper? How will the turkey cope?
These are exciting times.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Drunken Top Chef Commentary
Big Green: Let's pick names for everyone. She is a dude. Dudebot.
AP: She's is big bird. Big bird could be black, right?
Big Green: Big bird is a bird. He's not black or white. He's a bird.
AP: But he's gay, right?
Big Green: What?
AP: Or is he a woman?
Big motherfucking Green: What are you saying?
AP: So many of the S.S. characters are gay. That's the best thing about it; they are multiracial and multisexual.
Big Green: Birds is birds, man. I don't judge. But that contestant is weird. I think that Australian guy is going to win.
AP: He's not an Aussie.
BG: Well, he seems Australian.
AP: The bald guy or the tatoo guy is who I am rooting for.
BG: You like machos.
AP: I do.
Vesper Martini
There's a pretty good chance I'm having one of these in a few hours.
"Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?"Update: I'm drinking this now and it is delicious. It tastes mostly like gin and I love gin. Big Green: "Sweet Firethroat."-James Bond
Attention friends and family in NJ and NY

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You can finally recycle your old Brita filters

Friday, November 14, 2008
AP needs help picking a hat
needs help picking a

I'm indecisive about a lot of things but I really need help picking out which hat to go with. This decision has taken me far too long, so I'm asking for your help. I'm going to try to pick one out by the end of the day or maybe the very beginning of next week. I'm not that big of a baseball fan but I want to get a baseball hat. Because I'm not that big of a fan I don't have that strong of a loyalty to any team. I will say that as a sports fan it's hard for me to imagine wearing a hat of a team that isn't from NY though. Anyway, here are my options:
What do you think?
Atlanta- I kind of like them and I dig the A.
Pittsburg - This is probably one of my favorite logos. I just really digg the old school P.
the Mets - I was a Mets fan growing up
Yankees - although there is a lot not to like about the Yanks (Big Green refers to them as the 'haves') they do still represent NY better than anyone. A Yankees hat is just as much a sign of where you are from as it is of a team you like.
What do you think?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
CTSH (the Clarence Thomas Scale of Hate)
When I was home, Gus and I went out and discussed life and politics. He came up with an amazing way of scaling thing's that infuriate us. After talking about how much we hated Clarence Thomas, Gus referred to another thing he hated on 'the Clarence Thomas Scale of Hate.' He expanded on it for me via email. Another important thing to remember was that this was at the end of October, about a little over a week before the election.
0 - Corderoys
1 - Bowling being on ESPN2 - Doing Laundy at the laundromat3 - Bono4 - Me when I get into political conversations with strangers while drinking5 - Good Charlotte6 - Promise rings7 - Guys wearing make-up and/or pantyhose under shorts8 - Every commercial on television (Except Old Spice ones)9 - Olives/Bill O'Reilly10 - Justice Thomas (Could just as easily be the Ann Coulter scale)
11 - Undecideds
It's been a while.

I promise the future posts will get better.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Heaven Help Me

For the last seven years, AP's been talking about the 1985 film, "Heaven Help Us," starring a young Andrew McCarthy (also Kevin "Drama" Dillon, and Donald Sutherland). HHU is directed by a man named Michael Dinner, which delights me, if nothing else. My husband loves this movie so much that he snuck it onto our queue when I wasn't looking. So, I guess my night is going to be all about catholic school high jinks.
I didn't attend catholic school, but I did go to CCD, where I was abused by Sister Ruth, who, looking back now, was probably only 4'10'' but had the bite of a big old dog. She told me my parents were absolutely going to hell because they were divorced. I wish, instead of crying, I barraged that hag with some McCartheyesque antics, enough to have brought her rightly to her knees. Oh well. Live and learn.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wolf Blitzer is talking to a hologram right now.

Update: WILL.I.AM VIA HOLOGRAM. I took this picture but didn't get a chance to post it last night. Everyone seemed to love this momement.

Who's got the coolest graphics?

Did McCain really vote?
Why was there no coverage of McCain voting? On almost every channel, we watched the Obamas vote (for about 20 minutes) followed immediately by Biden and his mom. Not much later, Palin voted and even came out and said hi to the press. But when it came time for McCain, no one could get a shot of him. All the shots were of the outside of his polling place and basically just showed a bunch of other cameramen scrambling around. Did he do that on purpose? I thought it was the kind of thing candidates loved. What the heck? Now they have a video of him voting but I'm still skeptical.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Good News Everyone

Ingredientsfrom here
- Sugar,
- Corn Syrup,
- Confectioner’s Glaze,
- Natural and Artificial Flavors,
- Salt,
- Artificial Colors,
- Egg Whites,
- Honey Glycerin,
- Mineral Oil,
- Carnauba Wax
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wolf Kills

Don't Stop Shaking Yet

We're all sad that Polaroid is on it's way out. So check out the Save Polariod site and see what you can do to help. They're trying to get filmakers to keep the wonderful photography alive.
NY Times Endorsments

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Special Syrup

The other day, I saw a commercial. I was skeptical of the message, until I saw another ad. Then, a third, which showcased an attractive young couple picnicking. The chick offers her dude a popsicle laced with High Fructose Corn Syrup. He resists, but finally gives in. He loves it. And I am not usually influenced by advertising, but this one ad really got me craving HFCS. So delicious and misunderstood. Can't we all relate to that?
Anybody else catch these commercials from the Corn Refiners Association? Anyone else got a craving?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A possible future german home?

Joe the Plummer is in love with Matt Damon
The video does end on a tangent about social security and the war but the main point is that most Americans want to be, or be with, Matt Damon, including Joe the Plummer.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Just in case you wanted to drink your own pee

Watch Colbert talk to the inventor about it or read more on Wired.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Put another one in the McCain tally

“The Republicans, the Democrat party, even the independents. She’ll reform all of Washington.”Photo: Steve Fenn/Reuters, via ABCHow?
“By doing what she did in Alaska.”
What, exactly?
“First of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half a billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.”
But she also put earmarks in, Ms. Walters noted.
“Not as governor she didn’t,” Mr. McCain said.
But as governor, she did. As the Anchorage Daily News, among others, has reported, in Ms. Palin’s first year as governor, she requested 52 earmarks valued at $256 million, and this year, her office asked the Alaska delegation in Washington to help land 31 earmarks valued at $197 million. Also, Citizens Against Government Waste ranks Alaska as having received the “most pork per capita” of all states this year.
Lie Count - Everyone is full of shit

Check out Lie Count
Wearing you're dogs fur. (BARF)

Mail Goggles - Really?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
World's Tallest Lego Tower

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
VP Debate [part 3]: On Beer and the Frost
me: JOE SIX MOTHER FCKING PACKS. Maybe if joe didn't drink the whole 6pak
Sandy: i want to know where is this coming from. Was "joe six pack" an expression before now?
me: he wouldn't beat his kids
Sandy: like i have never heard that in my life
kerry: yeah i've heard it
Sandy: i know, it sound NEGATIVE to me. joe has a drinking problem. joe burned his dinner and got high. is he friends with Joe Camel?
kerry: and John Q. Public
Sandy: do you have heat in your home
kerry: cat is dragging her butt. yes but we're trying to not turn it on yet. iz a longggg road ahead. LET'S HEAT UP THAT ECONOMY!!! WOOoo let's heat up my house.
Sandy: i want to know where is this coming from. Was "joe six pack" an expression before now?
me: he wouldn't beat his kids
Sandy: like i have never heard that in my life
kerry: yeah i've heard it
Sandy: i know, it sound NEGATIVE to me. joe has a drinking problem. joe burned his dinner and got high. is he friends with Joe Camel?
kerry: and John Q. Public
Sandy: do you have heat in your home
kerry: cat is dragging her butt. yes but we're trying to not turn it on yet. iz a longggg road ahead. LET'S HEAT UP THAT ECONOMY!!! WOOoo let's heat up my house.
VP Debate [part 2]

Betcha Soccer
Sandy: iethhiaet
me: hhaha
kerry: "um.. my name is gwen"
Sandy: joe biden looks so much like the eagle tonight
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