TMT loves Die Hard, and recently purchased a collectors edition of the trilogy, Die Hard, Die Harder, and Die Hard With a Vengeance (we had already bought the newest, Live Free or Die Hard). We can say confidently that the films can be broken down into two categories: The Good (Die Hard, Die Hard With a Vengeance) and the Bad/Ugly (Die Harder, Live Free...). They all have John McClane (Willis) on four of his presumably countless bad days. In all four, he will end up bloodied.
The difference: Director, John McTiernan, and the f-bomb. McTiernan directed only two of the four and had the wherewithal to let the cursing fly.
From Die Hard
[McClane tries to call up police]
Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...
John McClane: No fucking shit, lady. Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?

From Die Hard With a Vengeance
[McClane and Zeus are arguing over how to solve the problem]
John McClane: You can't do it that way you dumb, motherfucking...!
Zeus: Say it! Say it!
John McClane: Say what?
Zeus: You were going to call me a nigger, weren't you?
John McClane: No I wasn't!
Zeus: Yes you were! What were you gonna call me?
John McClane: Asshole! How's that, asshole!
The latest in the series, Live Free..., was released with a PG13 rating and language suitable for children. It grossed the most of the entire franchise which is probably what a "franchise" wants.
But John McClane, the one in our hearts, says fuck a fucking lot. His best line, "Yippie-kay-yay, motherfucker" is what it is because of the motherfucker and don't you forget it.
Fuckin A
ReplyDeleteNot Die Hard related, but did you ever see Inside Actors Studio with Matt Damon. His explaination of why "fuck" is his favorite word is brilliant...