Congrats, Hill-pants!

Your Spoils on this day of victory are Turkish Delight.
Turkish Delight, otherwise known as "lokum", is a delectable dessert made of starch and sugar. For flavor, rosewater is often added, making it pretty pink. TD is soft and gummy like jelly, and is often packaged and eaten in small cubes that are dusted with sugar.
Though scrumptious, it's not a common in North America. I was actually only recently introduced to Turkish Delight by a coworker who daydreamed in his cubicle of the same addictive confection to which Edmund succumbs in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

So, enjoy it Hillary Rodham. Just don't let it get stuck in your teeth.
What about that particular variety of Camels we used to smoke? Oh maybe those were Turkish Golds. Ah, youth.