Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Vomitus, the grievous god of the morning multivitamin has struck again. Why do you make me feel so pukey when all I want is for you to help my body be strong and sexy? I feel your wrath especially when I'm on the subway. I long for the day that you do it with one of Zeus' many ladies and he takes you out thunderbolt style.


  1. Oh the horror of the multivitamin! Can someone please explain why a little pill that is supposed to do so much good can feel so horrible? And, no, it's not because I take it on an empty stomach. One would think a bowl of cereal or even an egg sandwich would be sufficient. But noooo...unless I've eaten a 12-course buffet the little bastard kills me. I share your pain, sister.

    Sorry for my lengthy rant. The nausea this causes makes me violent.

  2. A note of advice: eat some crackers or something before taking that Airborne stuff. Just trust me on this.
