We have two TVs, one in the bedroom and one in the living room, but we've only cable in the living room. A little while back, we were excited to find out that our no-cable TV picked up some movie stations, some On-Demand programming, and some recently released film. Mixed within this fun bag was quite a bit of porn. Startling at first, I learned to keep flipping through channels without being the least bit effected by super raunchy sex. Then, this weekend, we discovered that the programs we were picking up, that we were getting for free, were from our neighbors. We watched what our neighbors watched.
Last night, 4 out of the 5 stations played porn. I was unnerved to imagine our masturbating apartment building. It's one thing when you hear the lady upstairs in heat, but quite another when the whole building is getting their collective rocks off. I pictured our cute little structure covered in goo, not unlike the massive river of ectoplasm in Ghostbusters 2. Where is Bill Murray when you need him?
Vigo! That picture still frightens me.