Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Weave Me Alone

This is not a racial issue. I hate hair extensions, and though I know those who have used them, those little pieces women put into their up-dos to make them fuller, nasty. Possibly the worst are those elastics you can buy at the Big K for $1.50 that have a ring-o-hair attached. They should be illegal.
Big Time Political Nerd Out

tee hee.
We've heard good things. It's got actors we love (Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti,Tom Wilkinson, and you know what we think of Danny Huston) and the subject matter is fascinating. But let's be honest, it looks ridoinkulous. We mean this literally, they look ridiculous in that getup.
I don't know why their costumes have me in stitches; I like to think I can suspend my disbelief and that I'm not completely immature. But I cannot take Paul Giamatti seriously in that headpiece.
Steve McQueen

Last Night, the husband and I watched Bullitt, Steve McQueen's 1968 car chase classic. I only just (within the past few years) became familiar with the "King of Cool" and I am a better person for it. McQueen is an anti-hero who says, in few lines and a series of facial expressions, what many of my generation's young actors can't get across in 5 or more movies. On film, he seems almost disdainful of the business, as if he was there to do a job and if the camera captures it, well whatever. Just don't get in his way. He's got bad guys to shoot or catch. And I haven't even begun to talk about his road skills.
I love muscle cars. My husband probably loves me just because I love muscle cars. Bullitt's 1968 Dodge Charger and Mustang GT were made famous by the chase scenes that tore through the streets of San Francisco at an honest-to-God 110 miles per hour.
There are other cool facts about McQueen worth checking out (like how he was carried Bruce Lee's coffin, how he was targeted by Manson, etc.), but we think the most noteworthy things about him were left on film.
Editor's note: TMT thinks our man, Daniel Craig, is the second coming.
Bad Company

Dear Sirius Satellite Radio channel Classic Vinyl,
You play way too much Bad Company. Particularly awful is the amount of times you play the song Bad Company by the band, Bad Company. Please stop. You are making us miss your incessant Steely Dan blocks. That's how bad it is.
Too Much Teeth
USPS & Clover Technologies

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Optimus Prime

I should say outright that I didn't play with Transformers as a child because I was a girl and girls played with girl toys unless they had brothers which I didn't. The closest I ever came to playing with Transformers was when I once went to a Secret Santa gift swop for kids at my great grandmother's nursing home and was erroneously given a "boy toy." It was one of those plastic claws that you moved by pulling a handle. It was very robot-esque and I cried when I got it. I was upset and embarrassed that I didn't get a doll or something more befitting my genitalia. I had so much to learn. But back to Transformers and why my life would have been better had I played with them...
The movie is kick-ass. The Transformers move in excellent ways, and those in charge of the visual effects have my appreciation. I like the sound they make as they transform, and I like their alien-robot mobility. As far as the acting goes, I think Shia LaBouf is great and that while Megan Fox (the babe) had good acting ability, I was distracted by her body shine. Seriously, her toned body had so much grease on it, and the effect was like watching a dorky (though endearing) high school boy tussle with a pretty faced stripper or pin up. I got nothing against guys getting their rocks off, but lady needed to be blotted now and again.
Overall, big thumbs up to all the Autobots and Decepticons and I will eagerly await the sequel.
Budget Schmudget

Good Magazine turned us on to Jess Bachman's impressive info design. It's the 2008 U.S. budget gone graphic. Take a look at the whole thing here.
After this morning's 3 hour commute (should have taken half that), your editor is particularly interested in Transportation finance. It seems that our gov't spent over 12 Billion on aviation and a measly 1 billion on the railroads. WTF, Government. I understand that our mountainous terrain out west may not be conducive to the kind of rail system that exists between European cities, but lets think more locally.
An Amtrak Acela train from New York Penn to Providence RI to say hi to my folks can cost as much as $140 one way. Highway robbery! Train robbery in fact.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The world's biggest show and tell


In preparation for The Dark Night, some NYC masterminds want to make the city's moniker "Gotham" official. Some Big Apple food for thought:
In 1907, the term "Gotham" was first used to reference Manhattan by hometown hero/writer, Washington Irving in the Salmagundi Papers.
From Gotham Center:
"The word itself is English in origin and dates from the Middle Ages. Gotham, or "Gotam," was the name of a real and often-ridiculed town in England, whose residents had a reputation for madness.
A variant on this story was that Gothamites were not truly mad but simply "wise enough to play the fool" -- in a variety of ways they merely acted silly to gain their ends."
TMT totally digs that. We often feign insanity to get what we want: sandwiches.
For a full list of one-time NYC nicknames, check this out. We like "The Port of Many Ports" or "The Money Town." What's your fav?

Our station is small, so I often have to move out of the way to make room for his stretches, which make me smile and laugh because they are so irregular. I look around at my other commuters but they have no reaction. They stare forward. Some days the guy does presses on the wall, others he grapevines across the floor at high speed, all the while breathing very deeply. How nobody else thinks this brazen disregard for general social etiquette is noteworthy surprises me. But I guess NYC train riders build a silent wall to keep out the crazies, perverts, panhandlers, and Chinese battery salesladies.
Still, the day that I don't chuckle at a dude who does squats in tight business pants one foot from my person is the day I die.
Where does it come out?
Where things come out, moreover the interconnectedness of things, has long been a fascination of mine. And just recently, I have found a product that lets me explore my own piping, whilst clearing up congestion. I give you the Nedi Pot.

Here's how it goes: I boil water. Let it cool slightly. Pour it and a saline packet into the bottle, shake gently (while holding the hole at top closed with my thumb) and am ready to go. If you are eating or are just a pussy, maybe stop here.
For you brave scientists who wish to know more...I squirt in one nostril and it flows through my sinus cavity and out the other nostril. Sometimes it comes out my mouth. Gross, you say? I say freaking amazing. The human head is made of magic tunnels. Now where's that birdseed.
This post is for the dogs

That is one great locker find.
For more dog lovin, check out BDLR's coverage of Nubs.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Color Vine

Look at the skin color mingling that's going on here.
Reason #2 why grapes are better than people.
#1, the taste (raisins are more yummy than the elderly)
PS. What's with Globe Grapes? They are bulbous juicies that scare me.
Go buy yourself something nice... Nerd!

From No Breads to No Beds

SXSW and Rachael Ray Unite

BACK without the crust.
But we’re BACK.
Many things have happened since last we hung out, readers. TMT has decided to move from Jersey to
The time for no bread has come.
Back with a vengeance
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks,
Every sack had seven cats,
Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks, wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
For the Record, Italian Grandma style.

TMT's Noni wanted to remind everybody that Wednesday is Saint Joseph's Day and that the fried Zeppoles are the only way to go.
God is everywhere.
TMT loves the Rolling Stones

Today, like many others, I find myself really wishing that the Stones were my contemporaries, that I was around to discover the young band and hear, for the first time, every amazing new song as it was released. I would have rocked so hard. I would have worn really tight pants.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Pimps up, Hos Down(town Providence) or Hookers at the (Rocky) Point.

Our friends over at BDLR alerted us to the fact that in Rhode Island, the state that birthed me, Prostitution is basically legal.
From the Projo:
“A lot of people don’t realize that prostitution is legal in Rhode Island if you do it indoors,” State Police Inspector Stephen Bannon testified. Under current RI law, “persons are free to solicit sex for money in newspapers and/or over the Internet as long as the conduct that is agreed upon takes place in private.”
I immediately called my father, a RI attorney with a wealth of useless knowledge. "Dad, we got legal hookers in Lil Rhody?"
He informed me of the indoor loophole, but said that haters have been aggressively trying to get rid of it for the last three years.
"Fascinating, Dad, really. Legal Hookers."
He countered, "Big Green, we are a very progressive state."
"Progressive enough to still celebrate VJ Day?"
He laughed. "Well let's make a deal. We'll give up VJ, so long as we get to keep the hookers."
Agree. Shake. Deal. Hookers.
Dad Movies

My father is not the best movie date. He breaths heavily, eats popcorn loudly, and almost always falls asleep a few minutes in, tuckered out from the labored breathing and full stomach. He's like a giant dad baby. Still there are a few movies that have kept him quiet and alert. Get a load of this list:
1. The Godfather trilogy (obv.)
2. The Adams Family
3. The Bridge on the River Kwai
4. The Wizard
5. The Fugitive
6. Sister Act
What do your dads (or burly moms) like to watch?

AP and I got in a fight over hookers last night.
Which only goes to show--even when they are not on the job, hookers come between husbands and wives.
Where do you all stand on the hooker debate?